Litigation is increasing 10% a year in General Practice and medical comorbidities are set to double over the next 10 years.

Read about some real clinical cases below and how BookYourGP would have helped avoid clinical incidents.

Case #1: Ensure Ad-Hoc Recalls Don't Ever Go Missing

Mr Seymour Skinner, a 53 year old gentleman attended with tiredness all the time. He was seen by his GP who organised TATT bloods. His Hb came back as 10.7. Dr Lee asked the team at the surgery to contact the patient for a follow up appointment. Mr Skinner was not contactable / the recall went missing. One year later Mr Skinner returned to the surgery and was referred under the two week wait rule.

He was then diagnosed with metastatic colorectal cancer.

Mr Seymour Skinner sued Dr Lee and the other GPs involved in his care.

BookYourGP provides a medico-legally robust recall system, which can prevent recalls from going missing as demonstrated below

Save Ad-hoc Recalls To BookYourGP

Simply save needed recalls on to the patients profile. Once saved, the patient will receive automated recalls. Everything gets read-coded into the patient record which provides a medico-legally robust audit trail.

Case #2: Ensure All Your Amber Medications Get Monitored Correctly

Miss Carrie Mathison is a 41 year old lady who is known to the Psychiatric team. She requested a home visit because she was feeling dizzy and generally unwell.

The GP SpR initially visited. She felt that the dizziness could be due to a postural drop and so stopped her Lisinopril.

One week later Dr Thornton (one of the Partners) visited the patient. He realised that Mrs Mathison was on Lithium. He organised a blood test via the district nurses. Mrs Mathison's lithium level returned as 2.5 several days later and she was admitted as an emergency for Lithium toxicity. She was left with permanent ataxia and dysarthria.

Mrs Mathison sued all of the GP Partners at the surgery for not monitoring her medications properly and also the GP SpR for poor medical care.

BookYourGP Is Preloaded With All Amber Medications

BookYourGP automatically detects when patients are started on an amber medication and recalls them when they are due their reviews.

As always, everything gets read-coded into the patient record providing a medico-legally robust audit trail.

Case #3: 7 Year Delay In Diagnosis Of Prostate Cancer Due To Relying On Manual Processes

Mr Ned Flanders attended the surgery due to nocturnal frequency. He had a past medical history of T2DM. He was concerned about weight loss, a loss of appetite, increased urinary frequency and night cramps. The GP felt that these symptoms and signs were due to poorly controlled T2DM. The GP altered Mr Flanders' medication regime, arranged blood tests and a follow-up.

In the follow-up appointment the GP noted that 7 years previously the patient had a raised PSA. However, the patient had been unable to tolerate a biopsy for a definitive diagnosis, so 6 monthly PSA testing was advised; however, the patient did not have follow-up blood tests due to administrative errors by the surgery.

A repeat PSA was urgently organised. The PSA measured very high (>100 ng/mL). Mr Flanders was referred urgently and was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer.

BookYourGP removes the manual, ad-hoc process of organising patient care. In this instance it would have ensured that Mr Flanders was recalled every 6 months for a PSA blood test as requested by the Urology Team.

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