Based on an average 8,500 patient surgery with a typical workload
£722.42/month - 30 recalls a day, which takes 4-5 minutes per recall. This equates to 15-17 hours of admin time a week
£682.50/month - The cost of sending 25-30 letters manually per day (including the price of printing, paper, toner, envelopes and stamps)
£875.00/month - Due to not combining nursing appointments together
No per-user charges. Your whole organization for one fixed price.
Automated Recalls - All your chronic conditions, amber medications and recalls in one place and automated
Centrally sent letters - Letters get sent courtesy of GOV UK. No more buying stamps, printing, folding and manually sending letters
Combine Nurse Appointments - An 8,500 patient surgery typically saves 3,000 nurse appointments a year
No set up costs
Cancel any time (no long contracts!)
Unlimited support to ensure your success
10,000 free text messages per year
Unlimited Ad-Hoc Recalls
All Recalls Read Coded
Unlimited Automated Recalls
Unlimited Condition Registers
User accounts for your whole organisation
Unlimited letters provided at cost (47p + VAT)
Unlimited Patient Questionnaires
All Questionnaire Responses Read Coded
BookYourGP was built from the ground up to arm General Practice with exactly what it needs. No matter how small or large your organisation, you’ll reap massive financial gains, slash medico-legal risks, and obliterate workload for you and your team.
Serving the homeless, asylum seekers, or refugees? Struggling financially or placed in special measures? You’re not alone in this fight. We provide our software free of charge to those carrying the heaviest burdens. Reach Out to discuss further.
We hate long contracts as much as you do. If we’re not delivering the relentless support you need, just say the word. No hard feelings. No strings. Our software speaks for itself—every day, every battle.