Automate Recalling, Organising & Monitoring Your Patients

The only tool you will ever need to coordinate and organise complex medical care for your patients.

Before BookYourGP: You don't know if all your amber medications are being followed up, you can't be confident that your patients have been correctly risk stratified, you don't know which patients have missed their chronic disease reviews, you are unaware of who has a new diagnosis of a given condition and whether they will get reviewed in a timely manner, your team struggle to systematise recalls and combine appointments.

After BookYourGP: You will be on top of all your medication and disease reviews, you will be able to combine appointments and save thousands of appointments per year, you can sleep easy at night knowing that no patients have been missed and that you are not exposed to any medico-legal risk.

Coordinate, Organise & Manage Care The Right Way

BookYourGP is an automated Recall System. It will help you provide the best possible care for your patients, increase efficiency & productivity for your surgery while reducing medico-legal risk and costs to boot! Here's how it works.

Step 1: Organise Your Long Term Conditions, Amber Medications, Immunisations, Public Health Registers

BookYourGP comes preloaded with over 60 registers. All you have to do is tweak the default settings and select which registers you want to start automating so that your team can get on with doing the real work.

Once set, BookYourGP will continually analyse hundreds of thousands of data points to keep all your recalls organised in one place.

We have yet to find a surgery where more than 70% of monitoring requirements have been fulfilled.

Step 2: Update The Skills Matrix

Updating the Skills Matrix on BookYourGP ensures that the patient gets recalled in to see the correct team memeber for the correct appointment length. No more wasted appointments due to patients being booked in with the wrong person!

Step 3: Book The Patient In For Their Review

Recalls get automatically uploaded into the patient record and read coded. All your admin team have to do is look at the recall to book the patient in. The document contains which staff members the patient can be booked in with and the length of the appointment required. Simple!

BookYourGP Comes Jam-Packed With All The Tools You Could Ever Wish For

BookYourGP is the only tool you will ever need to coordinate and organise complex medical care for your patients.

In Collaboration With...

We are proud to be working with the following renowned organisations to transform healthcare:

  • Working with the Yorkshire AHSN to spread BookYourGP into surgeries throughout Yorkshire
  • We came first place in the selection process for the Propel Yorkshire AHSN accelerator (2022 cohort)
  • We were one of only five companies to be selected for the RCGP IMP accelerator programme
  • We have been part of the NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme since its inception in 2016.

Certified Compliant & Safe

Hummingbirds Medical undergoes regular external reviews to ensure we are compliant with all NHS and legal requirements.

NHS England Data Security & Protection Toolkit Compliant

ISO 27001k Certified

NHS Digital DCB0129 Clinical Safety Compliant

Registered with the Information Commissioner's Office

BookYourGP Is Your All-In-One Solution To Organise And Coordinate Patient Care.

No set up costs

Cancel any time (no long contracts!)

Unlimited support to ensure your success

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Contact us if you have any questions or if you are interested in being onboarded:

Why not read some clinical cases to see how BookYourGP can help you in your day to day life as a jobbing GP: