Communication Delivery Status

Navigate To The Outbox

Click on Outbox.

Navigate To Outbox via Recalls Page

You can also navigate to the Outbox page via the Recalls page. After navigating to the Recalls page, click on "Communications" and then in the new window click on "Delivery Status".

Filtering / Searching

You can search for messages sent by the surgery by entering the patient name, the NHS Number, the staff member who sent the message, the type of message sent (SMS, Email or Letter), the status of the message and / or the date the message was sent.

You can mix and match searches. For example you may wish to search for messages sent on 01/01/2021 with a status of "failed". Or you may just wish to search for all messages sent by a particular staff member etc.

Once you have entered your desired search queries, click the "SEARCH" button.

Search Results

In this example we searched for all messages sent by "rakeeb".

If you would like to communicate with a given patient again, then simply click on the "COMMUNICATE" button.

View Message

If you click on the message in the "Type" column then you can see what message was sent to the patient.

In this example we clicked on the "email" which was sent by Rakeeb on 27/01/2021.

View Delivery Status From Patient Profile Page

You can also view the status of any messages sent by navigating to the patient profile page.